Thursday, October 29, 2020

Recommendations For BRCA Gene Mutation Carriers

   About 0.25% of the population carry mutated BRCA1 or BRCA2 #genes.

A BRCA mutation occurs when the DNA that makes up the gene becomes damaged in some way.

When a BRCA gene is mutated, it may no longer be effective at repairing broken #DNA and helping to prevent breast cancer.
Mutations in either the breast cancer gene (BRCA1 or BRCA2) significantly increase the risk of:
• Breast cancer
• Male breast cancer
• Ovarian cancer
• Prostate cancer
• Pancreatic cancer
• Melanoma

Want to know more about the BRCA gene test?
Consult Dr. Sarika or book an appointment!

📍 Dr. Sarika Gupta
Senior Consultant Gynecologic #Oncology and Robotic #Gynecology
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi

🖥️ Visit our website:

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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Dr. Sarika Gupta Oncologist


“Every day I wake up with a sense of duty,

Every day all of us fight the battle against COVID19,
We are working 24/7 for your safety,
Take care of your health,
Take care of yourself.”

📍 Dr. Sarika Gupta
Senior Consultant Gynecologic #Oncology and Robotic #Gynecology
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi

🖥️ Visit our website:

#womenhealth #ovariancancer #ovariancyst #endometrialcancer #IUD #Mirena #prematureovaryremoval #ovaries #conebiopsy #Colposcopy #LEEP #vaginaldischarge #abnormaluterinebleeding #AUB #RoboticHysterectomy #Vagina #Vaginalcancer #Utvulvarcancer #delhi #noida #women #womenproblem #apollohospital #hpvtreatment #warts #vaccine #cervicalcancer #apollodelhi #jasola #vulva #penilecancer #femalecancersurgeon #roboticoncologist #ebv #cervix #olderage #des #hpv #adenosis

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Lynch Syndrome

  Do you know? 3 out of every 100 colon cancers or endometrial cancers are caused by Lynch syndrome!

Lynch syndrome has historically been known as hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC).
Lynch syndrome runs in families in an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern.
This means that if one parent carries a gene mutation for Lynch syndrome, there's a 50% chance that mutation will be passed on to each child.
The risk of Lynch syndrome is the same whether the gene mutation carrier is the mother or father or whether the child is a son or daughter.
If you’re interested in learning more about lynch syndrome, consult Dr. Sarika, or book an appointment.
📍 Dr. Sarika Gupta
Senior Consultant Gynecologic #Oncology and Robotic #Gynecology
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi
🖥️ Visit our website:

Monday, October 19, 2020

“Laparoscopic surgery is not recommended for all ovarian cysts” – Dr. Sarika Gupta.


There are various factors that are taken into consideration while selecting the right treatment option for ovarian cyst.
Some factors include:
• Age
• Medical history
• Location of the cyst
• Stage of ovarian cancer
Watch the video as Dr. Sarika delves into the detail to help you understand various aspects of ovarian cyst and treatment options.
📍 Dr. Sarika Gupta
Senior Consultant Gynecologic #Oncology and Robotic #Gynecology
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi
🖥️ Visit our website: